Verseman ancestry
I am Bill Bock. My mother was Olga Verseman who married William Bock in 1934. I have been to Germany where the John Versemann family immigrated from in 1868 and settled in the Farrar comunity. John was my mother's grandfather. In Germany I was told that the Versemann name originated from the Verse river which ran through their property. This goes back to the time before family names when people were identified by vocation,location or other means. In this case it was by location such as Johan from Verse and later developet to Versemann. The second n was dropped from the name after they were in America as a matter of convenience. I have extensive information on the John Verseman family and his son Henry who was my grandfather.
on 2020-01-03 03:24:43
bb1335 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jan 2020.