Anyone related to John ODONNELL (aka Tiemi TePUKU) Married to Sarah BARKE Waikawa Marlborough South Island New Zealand. Their 6 children were James. Elizabeth Emma, Louisa, Martha Ann, Hugh Augustus, Walter Arthur Please reply to :: Genealogy
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Anyone related to John ODONNELL (aka Tiemi TePUKU) Married to Sarah BARKE Waikawa Marlborough South Island New Zealand. Their 6 children were James. Elizabeth Emma, Louisa, Martha Ann, Hugh Augustus, Walter Arthur Please reply to

Question by yjsantos


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by yjsantos Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2024-07-09 06:45:27

yjsantos has been a Family Tree Circles member since Apr 2011. is researching the following names: TUSTIN, URRY.

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