My grandfather John Franklin Haley born Mar 16,1883 Russellville, Ky died Dec 24,1952 Monroe La I'm seeking information on his parents. I found on source SSA that gives his parents names as Jessie C Haley and Mary Edwards. Another problem is Jessie is als :: Genealogy
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My grandfather John Franklin Haley born Mar 16,1883 Russellville, Ky died Dec 24,1952 Monroe La I'm seeking information on his parents. I found on source SSA that gives his parents names as Jessie C Haley and Mary Edwards. Another problem is Jessie is als

Query by DonnaGoins

coming up as RJ Haley. Please help me

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on 2024-08-08 09:20:56

DonnaGoins has been a Family Tree Circles member since Aug 2024.

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