Seeking family of Myrtia Stevens of Hicksville, Defiance County, Ohio<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Seeking family of Myrtia Stevens of Hicksville, Defiance County, Ohio

Journal by bpeconge

Anybody have any info on Myrtia Stevens of Hicksville, Ohio? Mother's name was Eliza J (I had her maiden name, but can't locate it right now) and father was Frank Stevens. She died young(in the late 1890's) and I believe she was the only child. If anyone is researching this family, please contact me as I have photos to share. I'm not sure how these came into my familys possession, other than they may have been renters of my g grandfather. I don't think I have any link to this family.

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by bpeconge Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2006-11-05 00:33:20

bpeconge , from Fort Wayne, Indiana, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Sep 2006. is researching the following names: BRANDYBERRY, LAUGHERY, KNIGHT and 10 other(s).

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