looking for cady,beasley,libbys in maine england ireland and canada
I am researching my cady ties from galway, ireland. my beasley ties from england to canada to maine. which brings in my Libby ties.
My great grandmother sarah cady married william libby. My great great grandmother lydia ann beasley Married my gr gr grandfather Daniel Libby.
Sarah is the daughter of Michael keady and mary folan of Galway ireland. She emigrated here in the early 1900's.
Lydia ann beasley is the daughter of john wesley beasley of warwickshire England. He emigrated to canada about 1851 He met his future wife amelia j kiersted of newbrunswick canada. They married and Lydia ann was thier first born in newbrunswick. Thier remaining children were all born in maine. (cape elizabeth)
Which leaves my libby ties we are descendants of the first John libby from england back in the 1600's William is the don of Daniel and daniel is the son of Isaac who is the son of Arthur and so forth.
I am in need of assistance with my cady and beasley ties any help would be great.