Fredrich Emil Vogt born 11 august 1895. He died on 5 june 1964 in St Ingbert. He married Anna Emile Hubert born on 10 august 1895 married in 26 november 1927 in Schwelm kreis wupperthal. she died on the 21 May 1936. They had two sons Erwin Wilhelm born on 21/02/1929 in Schwelm, Wupperthal. Wilhelm Hubert born on 18 November 1912in Schwelm. He died on 4 August 1982 in St Ennepetal. I have also found the information on their parents. Vogt's parents are Gustav Vogt and Ida Guede. Hubert's parents are Wilhem Hubert and Auguste Mueller.
I need help in finding anyone who is related or has any more connection to them let me know. Many thanks in advance