Looking for relatives of Joseph L. Pirog of Poland/Russia
The closest we have come to researching our families roots or finding anyone/new information is my Great Grandfather Joseph L. Pirog and his parents; Leon Pirog and Julia Derbowicz. My great grandfather had four brother's that we are aware of at this point; Peter Pirog, John Pirog/Pirok, Walter Pirog, and Martin Pirog. On my great grandfather's WWI draft card it states that he is from Tomaszow, Lublin Poland Russia.
My family and I have a website for researchers, so please visit and register with us if you are also researching anyone with these surnames.
Kochnuk, Kochanuk, Pirog, Pierog, Pirok, Sidorek, Derbowicz, Papke, Trepke
Hi, I'm Leo Pirok Jr., My Grandfather was John Pirok, brother to Joe Pirok. I'm from Fresno Califorina. Boris Pirok, sent me some pictures of my Great Grandmother and the sons, martin,walter & peter and famity. I'll make copies and sent with any information that I know from this end. submited Leo Joseph Pirok Jr. lkpirok@yahoo.com