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Looking for descendants of Samuel Adams, American Revolutionary activ...

Query by Cheryl_S

Looking for descendants of Samuel Adams, American Revolutionary activist

Surnames: ADAMS
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by Cheryl_S Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2003-03-02 18:54:12

Cheryl_S has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jan 1970. is researching the following names: ADAMS.

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by pennyr on 2008-04-06 22:53:52

I am looking for descendants of Samuel Adams, Amnericna Revoluationary activist. My father always told us we were descendants and my family has names of Samuel Adams in Carlisle MA, however, I have not been able to trace to the Revolutionary activist. I believe that Mr. Adams had 2 children, and his son was a doctor. there is little information about them. IF anyone has information, I would like to hear from you.
Thank you,
Penny R.

by ancona on 2008-04-08 18:04:04

Have you checked Boston, Chelsea, Braintree, Quincy and Worcester Area. Or, the northern part of Massachusetts.

I am a Rockwood, out family married into the Adam's families.

Also, have you typed in Adams Genealogy, and or Revolutionary War Enlistees???.

SAndi Rockwood Ruscetta

by Sam74 on 2008-05-27 03:21:08

He is my ancestor. My dad has a detailed family tree showing all of the Adams ancestors and I am trying to get him to put it online. I live in Hong Kong--halfway across the world--so unfortunately I can't just go over there and get it.

If memory serves, Samuel had a doctor son also named Samuel.

I came across this post while researching my family history. I just discovered that we can now trace this branch of Adams back to the late 1400's to an English village called Barton St. David in Somerset. Do a Google search on Henry Adams and you will find it.

Braintree, Mass (now called Quincy) is where the Adamses settled in the U.S. Presidents John and John Quincy are from there, while Samuel (I think) lived in Boston. He was John's cousin.

by lilbra on 2008-07-29 14:07:40

My Adams family originated in Yeovil Somerset not far from Barton St David. A distant cousin wrote in 1931 that while he was in New York he visited the City Library and the librarian showed him a pedigree of the Adams family going back to 1310.
I quote" Our Adams line is notable in the fact that we have already given two Presidents to the United States of America"
My tree starts with Richard Adams born 1738 in Yeovil and died there in 1828. Can you help with the missing link please?

by asaph1951 on 2008-10-14 03:11:18

NEHGS and DSDI are in agreement on the following:

Dr. Samuel Adams (Jr.), son of Samuel Adams the governor and revolutionary, died in 1788 without issue. As such, anyone who is legitimately a descendant of Samuel Adams does not have the name Adams. All of his descendants are from the lines of his daughters. His lines of descent are well documented with the leading heritage societies.

There are also a number of descendants of President John Adams who have the name Adams (and many who have other names). All of these lines are rather well documented with various notable heritage societies including DSDI, SR, Soc. of Mayflower Descendants, Alden Kindred, et al.

In short, no one who is not well informed of their descent from either Adams and no one who is not well known to the other descendants (usually via the heritage societies above) of these two men is actually a descendant.

by JudyWisehart on 2008-11-03 17:42:59

My mother was Thelma Naomi Adams (1920-2002in Kansas) married a McClure. Her father was John Jabez (Jay) Adams (1896-1947)married to Leta Farrell Bright. Jay's father was William Henry Adams (1837 in IN.-1932 in KS.)married Mary Emelyne Spurgeon. Will's father was Jabez Adams (1813 in VA. - 1876 in KS.) married 2nd wife Lucinda Cundiff. His father was James Adams (1789 in VA. - 1869 in VA.) married Lydia Ann Doss who divorced him & later married again and practiced medicine in Warsaw, Missouri area. I am stuck here. Of course like many other Adams families the tale passed down was we were related to the Presidents??? (Probably not). Any info. would be helpful. I'm STUCK! Thanks, Judy

by 45Holmes on 2009-03-03 09:59:36

There is a LOT of information if you go to "Chelmsford, MA" webpages. Any combination of searches will reward you with some information.

I, too, believe we are Adams descendants.


by ylstone on 2009-09-17 19:22:47

For direct blood line from Samuel Adams himself (not counting brothers,sisters or cousin possibilities) ,the Adams name ends with Samuel Adams, His only grand child came from his daughter Hannah. She became a Wells, She had a son named Samuel Adams Wells, he had 2 sons (Tomas and William).William wrote a book about his Great Grandfather called the life and public services of Samuel Adams. from this point the family name changes at least 5 times up till about 1924, where there seams to actually be no more direct decendants-

by katehawk on 2010-02-12 23:38:16

I have documentation that John Adams is my fourth great uncle. I am hoping to connect with others that are living decendants that are interested in papers I have from my great grandparents(Captain Samuel>Nathan>...) I would love to share and learn more about this amazing geneology that came through my grandmother's father, John Lightner Egbert. My grandmother's mother took many notes that I have now since my father's death two years ago. Please contact me if interested, or for a good reference to a group that would be. Sincerley, Katherine Flynn

by dflrnc on 2011-06-13 19:25:01

i am interested in any geneology records pertaining to the adams surname as my great grandfather, born in indiana, was named john and he had a brother named sam...although my previous reading of the patriots descendants seems negate a direct descent perhaps a brother carried on the family name. my search is just beginning. i would appreciate any information you care to share. delores ferne adams longoria

by DukesMixture on 2011-09-29 03:23:23

My great-grandmother was an Adams from MA. The story goes that because she married a French Catholic (they were Unitarian)and moved to Paris that she was erased from the family bible. I have absolutely no proof that we are related to these families, just the stories handed down from my grandmother. I have never done a geneology search before, but I am very interested in trying to sort out my family history. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

by slevy0 on 2013-02-12 01:22:19

ylstone reported a link to Samuel Adams. I believe Samuel Adams Wells had a daughter, Elizabeth Randell/Randall Wells who married Francis A. Fuller of Dorchester. She died in 1850 leaving two sons, one of whom was my great grandfather, Frederick. If you have any ties to this line please contact me.

by noreaster on 2014-08-05 12:42:32

This is a reply to an old post, but here goes. I'm a direct descendant of Sam Adams Sr. and his wife Mary Fifield, through their daughter Mary b. 1717 (the older sister of Sam Jr., the brewer). Only two children survived from infancy from this line, Sam Jr., and his sister Mary. Therefore, if your info is correct, you could only be descended through his sister Mary, since Sam Jr. had no children. Mary married James Allen. There is a lot of info available on the net for Mary and James. Also, Mary and Sam Jr. were cousins to John Adams Sr. (father of president John Quincy Adams).

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