Australia: Looking for daughter of Valentine Dagmar AMOR and William FRANCIS adopted out 1930s NSW
Valentine Dagmar AMOR born 16 Feb 1900 Condobolin, New South Wales, Australia, married Forbes NSW on 25 Oct 1922 to William FRANCIS.
Valentine sadly died giving birth to a daughter born Forbes NSW Nov 1929 surname FRANCIS (Christian name not known to us AMOR descendants/researchers). We were told that Valentine's mother-in-law couldn't look after the baby, so child was sent to an orphanege in Sydney and adopted out.
Valentine was the daughter of Frederick William AMOR and Esther (Hester) JACKSON. Her older siblings names were Esther AMOR (married John PARKER), Frederick Charles AMOR (married Dorothy WEST) and George Henry AMOR (married Sarah LITTLE).
Valentine was the granddaughter of William AMOR and Ann Priscilla WHEELER, my 3g grandparents.
Would like to find this long-lost AMOR descendant.
Alison QLD.