Just a Few Things
I recently found out many things on my family! My great grandmother many generations back Mary Whittier is the daughter of Thomas Whittier the great great grandfather of Joseph Greenleaf Whittier the Poet! Mary and one of her sons died in 1698 after being severly burned by HOT water! This line goes down to my Sargent Roger HUNKINS who married Rebekka WHITCHER/WHITTIER whose line can be traced back to Thomas as well!
Ethan Allen the founder of the Green Mountain Boys/Men of VT was named an Outlaw by Royal Govenor or NY because he beleived in America being a free country away from Parliment Rule. So I'm assuming that this in turn made my Benoni an outlaw also since he was a Green Mountain Boy/Man.
One day I was in a chat that frequently "haunt" and we were discussing what our taglines should be. I finally settled on "Not Related To Daniel Boone Since 1896!" but the other three I considered were "A Descenedent Of FIVE Mayflower Passengers!" "Stealing Stoves Since 1892!" and "Wronly Accussed Since 1882!"
on 2010-05-16 19:18:47
Leeann Boone-Not Related To Daniel Boone Since 1896!
Funny. :)
This is some exciting stuff. How well documented are your lines back to Whittier, and the 5 mayflower passengers? (not that I'm questioning them, just curious as that can be extremely difficult to do and I'm in the process of documenting a second mayflower passenger line. see here http://www.familytreecircles.com/blog/mayflower-project-the-application-process-25/
Leeann Boone- We are related! Hello Cousin- I was just trying to figure out why or how did Mary Whittier get scalded? Any idea? I am related to her son Abraham Page, his duaghter Hannah Page, and I joined the DAR, their son Joseph Smith was in the revolutionary war. Just doing a little backgroudn research on that side of my family and your post came up. Are some of the Mayflower contacts related to Ruth Green or Thomas Whittier by chance? Curious.
Hi Leann! I am also a descendant of Thomas, but of Mary's brother, Nathaniel. I have quite a bit of info, as well as a book "the Descendants of Thomas Whittier" compiled by Charles Collyer Whittier pub. 1937. Let me know if you'd like to trade info some time!