KAIAPOI - Christchurch, New Zealand
the town of Kaiapoi is in the Canterbury region of the South Island of New Zealand, located close to the mouth of the Waimakariri River, and approximately 17 kilometres north of Christchurch.
Kaiapoi takes its name from the Maori pa (fortified village) which was built just north of the site of the current town around the year 1700 by the Ngai Tahu chief Turakautahi.
Eventually to become the largest fortified village in the South Island it lay on the site of a stronghold of an earlier tribe, Waitaha whose history and traditions Ngai Tahu eventually adopted.
Turakautahi was the second son of Tuahuriri, consequently Ngai Tuahuriri is the name of the hapu (subtribe) of this area. In selecting the pa site, Turakautahi determined that kai (food/resources) would need to be poi (swung in) from other places hence the name Kaiapoi which it is said can be translated as a metaphor for "economics".
All manner of resources were transported along the waterways of the Rakahuri and Taerutu on their way to or from Kaiapoi, Pounamu from the Arahura river, Titi (muttonbird) from the islands around Rakiura (Stewart Island) or Tuhua (obsidian) from Tuhua (Mayor Island) and other resources all indicative of a sophisticated trading network between North and South Island tribes.
the following is just a brief summary taken from NZETC. It was written in about 1900 and includes many names and photos of the settlers and businessmen of that time.
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... Kaiapoi has claims to consideration on account of both its past and present associations. Its past is interestingly described by the Rev. Canon Stack in ?Kaiapohia: The Story of a Siege,? in which he speaks of its settlement by successive Maori tribes in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the building of its historic pa by Tu Rahautahi about the year 1700, and its siege and eapture by Te Rauparaha in 1831. Kaiapoi as a modern town, dates from 1853, when its site was surveyed, and its first building, which was a wattle and daub cottage, was put up in 1855. It is now a flourishing borough, with a large woollen factory ?described fully in another part of this volume?and other industries. The business people trade with Wellington and the coastal settlements by means of schooners, which take away produce and bring coal and timber, and other cargo. A branch of the Bank of New Zealand does business in the town, which has a post, telegraph and money order office, and a Government Savings Bank. Kaiapoi is built on the Waimakariri river, and is fourteen miles north from Christchurch by rail. The old coaching road from Christchurch runs through the centre of the town, where it crosses a handsome traffic bridge, which spans the northern branch of the Waimakariri. Kaiapoi stands only seven feet above the level of the sea, and is liable to floods, but the danger from this cause has been largely reduced by the construction of the extensive protective embankments which completely surround the town. The town is about three miles from the sea beach, where there are favourite spots for holidaymakers, and the walk thither is a pleasant one. Within the boundaries of the borough there are some very fine public recreation grounds, such as the park, the domain, and Darnley square. The park, which is twenty acres in extent, fronts the beach road, and has a bicycle track, hockey and football grounds, and asphalted tennis courts. In the domain, which is opposite the Woollen Factory in Ranfurly Street, there are gardens and ornamental ponds, with swans and other water fowls. The domain has an area of fifteen acres, and is planted with fine trees, amongst which there are winding paths. In Darnley square?the gift of Mr J. S. White, of Ohoka?there is a memorial which was erected by public subscription in 1901 to commemorate the reign of Queen Victoria. The square is a common rendezvous, especially in times when the public heart is reached by some event of a joyous or sorrowful nature. At the census taken in April, 1901, the population of Kaiapoi was 1795, which showed a decrease of thirty-three as compared with the census of 1896. Camside and other places close to Kaiapoi, however, have amongst them a population of 244, and thus the total may fairly be set down at 2039
His Worship The Mayor, Mr. John Daly, who was returned for a second term in April, 1902, was born in County Monaghan, Ireland. In 1880 he came out to Nelson by the ship ?Edwin Fox,? but removed to Kaiapoi in 1884
Councillor Joseph Henry Blackwell has served on the Kaiapoi Borough Council since 1899. He was born in Kaiapoi in 1871, educated locally and at the Boys' High School, Christchurch, and brought up to mercantile life in connection with his father's business
Councillor John Bugg has been a Member of the Kaiapoi Borough Council since 1888, without a break, and has been frequently returned at the top of the poll. He was born in Yorkshire, England, on the 5th of June, 1843, and served an apprenticeship as a carpenter and wheelwright. In 1865 he came to Lyttelton by the ship ?Tudor,? and shortly after the discovery of gold on the West Coast, walked overland, and had some experience of rough work on the diggings
Councillor William Eagle, who has held a seat on the Kaiapoi Borough Council since 1897, was born in the town of Hillsborough, Norfolk, England, in 1844. He came to Lyttelton by the ship ?Waipa,? in 1876, and shortly afterwards settled at Kaiapoi
Councillor William Henry Hayman has held a seat on the Kaiapoi Borough Council since 1897. He was born at Lyttelton in 1852, and removed with his parents to Kaiapoi at the age of ten years. Mr. Hayman was educated and brought up to country life in the district, and has been in business on his own account since about 1871. He has conducted business as a grocer since 1892, and his premises are situated in Cookson Street
Councillor Tom Edward Keetley, who has been a Member of the Kaiapoi Borough Council since early in 1901, was born in 1856, in Derbyshire, England. In 1858 he came with his parents to Lyttelton, by the ship ?Mystery.? The family settled at Kaiapoi, where the subject of this notice went to school, and afterwards learned his trade as a blacksmith
Councillor William Midgley has been a Member of the Borough Council of Kaiapoi since 1900. He was born in Brandford, England, in 1863, brought up to the drapery trade in his native town, and came to Christchurch in 1880
Councillor Alfred Pearce, who has served on the Kaiapoi Borough Council since 1897, was born at Greenwich, England, in 1848, and came with his parents to Lyttelton in the ship ?Maori? in 1857. The family settled at Kaiapoi, where Mr. Pearce learned his trade as a builder and contractor
Councillor Alfred Winterbourn, who has held a seat on the Kaiapoi Borough Council since 1900, and has served a year on the Waimakariri Harbour Board, was born at Kaiapoi in 1863. After attending the local school he was apprenticed as a carpenter and builder, and has since then been employed at his trade
Mr. William Doubleday, who has been Chairman of the Waimakariri Harbour Board since 1899, was born in Norwich, England, in 1854. He was brought up as an engineer, and served an apprenticeship with the well known firm of Fowler, of Leeds. In 1879 he came to Lyttelton by the ship ?Hurunui? and settled at Kaiapoi. Mr. Doubleday became proprietor of a inreshing machine, which he has since worked, and has also a farm of 250 acres, on the Avon side of the, south branch of the Waimakariri
Mr. E. Revell, Secretary and Treasurer of the Waimakariri Harbour Board, was born in County Wicklow, Ireland, in 1833. He arrived in New Zealand by the ship ?Minerva? in 1853, and has resided since that time in the Kaiapoi district. For many years he was farming or engaged in mercantile life before he was appointed to his present position in 1883
Mr. Herbert Meadowcroft, Station-master at Kaiapoi, was born in Rochdale, Lancashire, England, in 1854. He was educated at a boarding-school in Cheshire, and before coming to the colony had a thorough grounding in railway work in connection with the Lancashire and Yorkshire railway, on which he served for eight years. In 1876 be arrived in Lyttelton by the ship ?Crusader,? and was for about eighteen months on the Otago goldfields
Mr. Robert James Alexander, Headmaster of the Kaiapoi Borough School, was born at Saxmundham, Suffolk, England, in 1844. He is the eldest son of Mr. R. Alexander, carriage-builder of that town. At an early age the subject of this notice became a pupil-teacher in the national school in his native town, where, after serving five years, he won the Queen's scholarship which entitled him to free board, residence, and tuition for two years in the Metropolitan Training Institute, Highbury Park, London. Mr. Alexander left London in 1864 to take charge of the boys' department of the national school at Aldeburgh, Suffolk. In August, 1871, he emigrated to Queensland, where he arrived in the following December and in February following he received the appointment of headmaster of the Roma school, situated 300 miles due west of Brisbane. When he took up his duties the average attendance was eighty, and when leaving after six years' service, the attendance had increased to 180. His next post was the headmastership of the Kangaroo Point boys' school, where he remained nine months. Finding the climate too sultry for his family, he came to Port Chalmers in April, 1879, and in the following May his application for the headmastership of the Kaiapoi school was favourably considered
The Rev. John Holland, Vicar of St. Bartholomew's, was born in Lancashire. England, and was educated at St. Augustine's College, Canterbury, Kent. He was ordained deacon in 1877, and priest in the following year, and became a missionary; as such he was stationed at Sarawak, North Borneo, for two years and a half, and at Singapore for a similar period. In 1881 Mr. Holland came to New Zealand, and was stationed at Kumara for nearly three years
The Rev. William Ritchie, M.A., Minister in charge of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, was born in Perthshire, Scotland. He studied at the Glasgow University, and graduated M.A. in 1881. In 1888 Mr. Ritchie was inducted to a charge in Stirlingshire, and ten years later, came to Wellington, New Zealand
Mr. Robert Drisoll, Manager of the Kaiapoi Working Men's Club, was born in 1869, at Worcester, England, and accompanied his parents to Lyttelton, in the ship ?Punjaub,? in 1874. The family settled in Eyreton, where the subject of this notice was brought up to country life. He found employment for some years in contracting and road-making, and in 1893 became lessee of the Commercial Hotel, Kaikoura which he conducted for three years
Blakeley, Reuben, Music Teacher, Cass Street, Kaiapoi. Mr. Blakeley was born at Batley, Yorkshire, in 1834, and is eldest son of the late Mr. Abraham Blakeley, of that town. He was at Mr. Benjamin Preston's school at Batley, and finished his education at the local grammar school under the tutorship of the late Dr. Joseph Senior, LL.D. In 1846 he entered the woollen works at Batley, and was employed there for about ten years, when he joined his father and assisted him in his business until he died in 1872, on which he assumed the sole management. He came to New Zealand in 1880, and resided at Timaru for a few months
Fowler, Peter James, Journalist, Kaiapoi. Mr. Fowler, who has acted as Correspondent and Agent of the ?Lyttelton Times? since 1879, was born at Macclesfie'd, Cheshire, England, in 1850. He was educated at the local grammar school, and was brought up to mercantile life. In 1873 he landed in Lyttelton from the ship ?Dilharree.? After spending about two years at Leeston and Southbridge successively, Mr. Fowler settled at Kaiapoi
Wilson, Joseph Lowthian, Journalist, Kaiapoi. Mr. Wilson was born in 1846, in Penrith, Cumberland, and was educated at the Wesleyan day school, and Blancoe grammar school. As a lad he was put to the drapery trade, and served a portion of his apprenticeship. He arrived in Lyttelton by the ship ?Chariot of Fame? on the 29th of January, 1863, and settled at Kaiapoi, where he turned his attention to journalism, and was appointed representative of the Christchurch ?Press,? on the 13th of August, 1863
Mr. Michael Lynskey, Clerk of the Magistrate's Court, Registrar of Electors at Kaiapoi, Returning Officer, and Deputy Registrar of Old Age Pensions, has been in the district over forty years. He was born in County Mayo, Ireland, in 1838, and came out to Lyttelton in the ship ?Chrysolite,? in 1861. Entering the police force, he shortly afterwards became bailiff for North Canterbury
Constable Michael Joseph Wildermoth, who is in charge of the Kaiapoi Police Sub-district, was born in Christchurch, on the 28th of January, 1864. For some years he resided in Christchurch, Kaiapoi and Timaru respectively, and joined the police force in Wellington in 1892
Murray, James Adam Johnston. M.B. and C.M. (Edinburgh, 1883), Physician and Surgeon, Cookson Street, Kaiapoi. Dr. Murray has been praotising his profession in Kaiapoi since 1885.
Reynolds, Joseph, Chemist and Druggist, Cookson Street, Kaiapoi. This business was established by the proprietor in 1898. Mr. Reynolds was born in Queensland, and was educated at Rangiora, where he qualified for his profession. After gaining experience in Auckland and Napier, he commenced his present business.
Roll, James Capon, Pharmaceutical Chemist, High Street, Kaiapoi. This business was established in 1876. The shop has a central position, and a good general stock is maintained. Miss Roll is a pharmaceutical chemist and takes the active management of the business. Her father, who is the proprietor, is a founder of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, and was in business for a considerable number of years in London before arriving in Lyttelton by the ship ?E. P. Bouverie? in 1874
on 2011-06-01 05:13:36
ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.