Looking for any information on Eglisdorfer, Ecklesdafer or Eckelstafer
We have compiled a great deal of information on this family from Baden. The family arrived in New York in 1847 as the Eglisdorfer family and moved from there to Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and finally Michigan. My ancestor Ernest F. Eglisdorfer was married to Christina C. Bammerlin (Bommerlin) and they had several children who are documented on the Ecklesdafer family website. Please contact us if you have information that would provide more information about this family or know of other family links for the different Surnames located in our GEDCOM file. This is available by contacting me for a copy of the file.
on 2007-06-28 08:30:20
lecklesd has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jun 2007. is researching the following names: NEISSER, ECKLESDAFER, BAMMERLIN.