Looking for anyone related to a David Frank Edward Lander born 25th August 1947 London
I am looking for anyone who is related to a David Frank Edward Lander he was born in London on the 25th August 1947, his parents - Mum was a Maria Lander and his fathers name was either Charles or Frank.
He was the youngest of 5 children 2 older brothers names of Jimmy and Frank 2 older sisters Joyce and Pat.
As i have a family of my own I am seeking family history as I never had the privlidge of knowing about his family.
He is my father and I would love my children to know more about where there poppa came from something I never was able to do until now.
If anyone out there who knows anything about this infomation please email me with provided details. (mfouldsy@westnet.com.au)
I am currently living in Australia.
Marlene Foulds of
Bunbury in Western Australia, AUSTRALIA