Looking for Badger and Lumb of England and Drinn in South Africa
Have found a lot of information about the Drinn side of the family using ancestry.co.za and with the help of a will of one of my grandmother's aunts which listed a lot of nieces, great nieces, nephews and great nephews was able to piece together a lot of the South African side of the Drinn family. This website also cleared up one remaining mystery of one of my grandmother's aunts. Still working on Badger and Lumb and going back further. I occasionally dip into my husband's Welsh roots but with a surname of Jones this takes more time!
on 2014-04-20 11:21:03
wendybj has been a Family Tree Circles member since Apr 2014.
Received your reply to my Dove contacts in South Africa. I am so pleased to be able to learn a little more about Sarah Dove nee Crane. I am quite willing to send you information but can we do it through my email address? donbank@orcon.net.nz.
From what I have gathered the Boer War really caused Sarah a lot of distress but I am pleased to know her family was also in South Africa. Look forward to hearing from you.
Emailing you now