Looking for BEESTON New Zealand and prior too imigration to NZ<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Looking for BEESTON New Zealand and prior too imigration to NZ

Query by beeston01

Hi, I am researching my BEESTON family tree in New Zealand. My earliest names are John William Beeston who married a Mary Hunt.
I have no details on the marriage. The earliest I can go back is to about 1875 in New Zealand.I have found info on Beeston's in the Thames district and also the Auckland area. My branch of the family moved North to the Whangarei area. Please contact me if you think you have any connection.

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by beeston01 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2011-06-17 20:10:35

Submitted by R K BEESTON from Whangarei New Zealand. Email rob2mal@hotmail.com Researching the New Zealand Beeston clan and trying to make connection with UK and other relatives.

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by vernon7 on 2011-06-17 21:04:26

Hello beeston01,
I was just browsing and came across your request. The following could be useful. You will notice that the folio number and the year are the same in both sets.
NZ Marriages 1836 - 1956 CD
Year 1866
Folio 0008
Given Names John William
Sex M
Spouse HUNT

Year 1866
Folio 0008
Surname HUNT
Given Names Mary
Sex F

Year 1866
Folio 0008
Surname BENTIN
Given Names John William
Sex M
Spouse HUNT

Year 1866
Folio 0008
Surname HUNT
Given Names Mary
Sex F

On the NZ BDM Online file it reads.
1866/4405 Mary Hunt John William Benton.
This might assist but obviously will need more research to achieve accuracy.
Regards, Vernon7.

by beeston01 on 2011-06-18 03:38:50

Thank you Vernon7, I have very little info on these two people. They are the earliest ancestors I have been able to find on the Beeston side of my family.

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