looking for Bogoslowski of Baltimore.
My grandfather came here on a ship about 1913 or 1914.
on 2014-11-10 13:31:24
Bogo has been a Family Tree Circles member since Nov 2014.
Bogoslowski, where did this family come from ? do you have any names and dates of birth, Where did they settle in Baltimore. Parents children wife g/parents etc ?
Poland,my grandmothers name was Valanta,she came to Baltimore about 1918.I was told we have a family crest.
Valanta, I assume this is a surname so what were your grandparents christian names ?
.......... Valanta, birth year .... Poland
......... Bogoslowski, birth year .... Where ?
I don,t know her birth or his. He was born in Poland.His father had a mill in north Poland.His wife was a vet+midwife.
Ok lets try working back. What are/were your parents names dob marriage death etc. siblings, places lived