Looking for Bower and Walker in Sofala 1870 marriage
I am looking for information on George Bower who married Emily Walker in Sofala in 1870. If anyone can help me you can email me on y.fone.me1@live.com. Thanking you. Yvonne Franks
A bit of help for you, have a look at NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages in Australia.
Click here to purchase their Marriage Certificate. Note spelling of George's surname: George BOWERS and Emily WALKER, Sofala, 1870 NSW.
Could he have possibly died in 1905 Sofala, NSW aged 78 years?
And there are 14 possible births with parents named George and Emily in locations such as Sofala, East Macquarie, Bathurst and Wattle Flat, NSW. Surname searched was BOWER* with the * denoting wildcard as there are two records for BOWERS.
History of Bathurst and its surrounding areas
Gold and Diggings, Sofala