Looking for British SHARLAND and BOOTHROYD relatives
I am looking for the exact connections between: Boothroyds such as May; Sharlands such as Kenneth, Thomas and Peter, and Ayshford; Lemons, such as Reginald; Correys or Corrys such as Robert and William; Nina Moody; Vera Power.
They were all relatives of my mother Beryl Boothroyd and brothers Jack, Arthur and Sharland who migrated to Australia. Jack returned to live in England. Arthur, an artist, did for a while.
Nina Moody was a cousin of my mother, Beryl Boothroyd whose mother was May Sharland by birth; and she was niece of John Sharland born 1869 and Isabel Maud Sharland,. She was referred to in John's will.
Does anyone know how all these people, together with Vera and Arthur Power, Ayshford Sharland son of Thomas Sharland, Robert Corry and Reginald Lemon and his wife?
A Vera Power was married to an Arthur Power, and Vera was a niece of John Sharlan b.1869 who wrote a will in 1944 when living at Kewferry Rd northwood, county Middlesex; he was married to a lady called Isabel Maud Sharland.
Does anyone know exactly how Vera was connected to the Sharlands; e.g. who her mother and father were?
Reginald Lemon (or his wife) was the nephew or niece of my great uncle John Sharland (b. 1869) and his wife Isabel Maud. They would have been related in the same way to my grandmother May Sharland (later Boothroyd).
Does anyone know more about these connections. By what route exactly were the Lemons related to the Sharlands? Who were their actual parents?