Looking for Charles Flintoff of Ont.
He had a farm just out of Newmarket Ont. His wife's name was Sara Elizabeth Stephens and they had 9 children.
on 2013-03-17 09:55:14
sharonballantinelegate has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jan 2013.
There are marriage and deaths on familysearch.org
Here are a few marriages.
Mary A. Flintoff... married 19 Jan. 1909, Newmarket, Ont. William H. Hoiles
Ann Flintoff- 2 Dec.1903, Whitchurch, Deorge Wesley
Beatrice Lucilla -27 Jan. 1904, Robert Fitch Mills
Note: The Whitchurch-Stouffville library.... you can google this.
Click on resources.... then click on The Sun Tribune.... you can find some
obits, marriages, births for this area. I could not find the name Flinoff...
but you could look under these married names.
There is alot of information on familysearch... you will have to just go through
it. It makes it easier if you put the parents names in.
If any of the family members moved to the usa... you can look at the border crossings.
If any of the family members went in ww1... look under collectionscanada
You can look at the 1901, and 1911 census records at automatedgenealogy.com
Well, I must go. I hope this bit of info helps.
take care.
from Jackie