Looking for Collinsworths of Moran Texas
I am looking for Collinsworths or relatives that have lived or are living in Moran Texas. My grandfathers name is William Thomas and my grandmother is Eva(Lacey). Grant Collinsworth is my great uncle and I also have a great aunt named Nancy. My father Jessie Davis was also born in Moran. I was told that half of Moran are relatives. My fathers siblings are Frank,Hillary and my dad's twin brother Robert. My grandmother called my dad J.D. and his twin R.E. Our family is also related to former governor John Bowden Connally Jr. I do have a cousin with the name of Sidney Smith Collinsworth. I was also told that my grandfathers full name is William Thomas Jones.
on 2006-05-25 23:40:33
munskin has been a Family Tree Circles member since May 2006. is researching the following names: COLLINSWORTH.