looking for Conrad Myers of Nova Scotia ,Canada
on 2009-04-04 11:52:01
copperpenny has been a Family Tree Circles member since Apr 2009. is researching the following names: MYERS, LANDRYSOFNOVASCOTIA, CANADA and 3 other(s).
Conrad Myers was my grandfather on my mother's side.He was married to Catherine Hahnen supposely in 1916.Conrad from Jewish/German decent and Catherine Belgium/Polish decent.Had 6 children.In 1953 he married Georgia Wilcox had 2 children...Doris Wilcox(Deceased)And Gerald Wilcox Myers.Conrad lived for a time in New Brunswick and later Parrsboro,Nova Scotia possibly working in coal mines
any comments??
Conrad Myers was my great great grandfather on my mothers side. You can see information about him here: http://leger.genacadie.ca/p58580.htm with his daughters obituary. Hope that helps!