looking for david and cecelia (nee fairfall) young in nz

David and Cecelia came from clackmananshire, Scotland around 1861 to hokitika west coast nz. Their daughter Mary, my great grandmother married John McBeth. Cecelia died 1872 is in Westland cemetery but I can't find any info about David's life or death

on 2015-07-22 23:22:18
Kayem has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jul 2015.

What was David's surname ?

Sorry misread surname Young.

This looks like their marriage which unfortunately does not give parents names.
Name: David Young
Spouse's Name: Cela Fairfull
Event Date: 13 Apr 1839
Event Place: Tillicoultry,Clackmannan,Scotland
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M11468-5 , System Origin: Scotland-ODM , GS Film number: 1040210
You may get more details from this site (its fee paying)


Name: David Young
Age: 46
Estimated birth year: abt 1815
Relationship: Head
Spouse's name : Ceclia Young
Gender: Male
Where born: Alloa, clackmn shire
Registration Number: 468
Registration district: Tillicoultry
Civil Parish: Tillicoultry
Town: Tillicoultry
County: Clackmannanshire
Address: Union Street
Occupation: Teulor
ED: 2
Household schedule number: 182
Roll: CSSCT1861_62
David Young 46
Ceclia Young 45
Mary Young 14
John Young 5

I also found this marriage:
Name: David Young
Gender: Male
Marriage Date: 14 Apr 1839
Marriage Place: Alva,Stirling,Scotland
Spouse: Cicilia Fairfull
FHL Film Number: 1041970

Thank you. I think the first one will be right as he was a tailor in Hokitika in 1862. Also the age of Mary is right. Just need to keep looking for his death which is not so easy when its a common name.

David Young died in September 1895. There was an 'heirs wanted' at in the Otago Witness. This can be viewed in Papers Past 14 November The said William, Mary (had died by then) and John or any other descendants of the said deceased David Young were requested to communicate with Charles Thompson, Solicitor, Alloa Scotland.

Thank you -that has filled in a gap for me.