Looking for DE MOOR or DE MOORE of Ontario
I am looking for information on the DE MOOR(E) family how immigrated to Wallaceburg, Ontario, Canada. This is my father's mother's mother's side. My grandmother doesn't know much about them, except for what she told me.
Her grandmothers name was MONICA DE MOOR(E), I do not know her maiden name. Monica's Husband died in Holland before she immigrated.
MONICA DE MOOR(E) is buried at the Riverview Cemetery in Wallaceburg, Ontario.
Monica had 21 children, 19 of which made it to adulthood. my great grandmother MAGDALENA DE MOOR is one of them. Magdalena was born in Holland in 1900.
All 19 children immigrated to Canada and came in groups of 4 or 5. I don't when. but it must of been before 1924 because thats the year that my great grandmother got married.