Looking for Descendents of Robert Roy and Jane (nee Wedderspoon) Scotland
Robert Roy married Jane Wedderspoom in 1871 in Crieff. Jane's father Peter was station master at Inerpeffray station near Crieff.
Robert and Jane lived at Black Ruthven cottages in Tibbermore, near Perth and moved firstly to Stirling then finally Glasgow by the 1888. Thery had eleven children:-
Peter(1872),William(1874),James(1876),Robert(1877),David(1880),John(1881),Agnes(1884),Jane(1888),Andrew(1890),Arthur(1891),Jessie(1893).The last four were born in Glasgow, while the others were born in Perthshire and Stirling.
Peter married Elizabeth Struthers Farquar, whose two daughters emigrated to Alabama - any information would be welcomed. One died there in her early twenties.
William married Mary Riddell - I have their descendents.
James married Grace Page White - I believe she had links to Kinghorn in Fife - more info welcomed.
Robert married Agnes Riddell (my grandparents)in Glasgow - I have their details.
David marrried Mary Nicol 26 Jan 1900 in Glasgow - more info welcomed.
John married and emigrated to New Zealand - I have their details.
Agnes - more info welcomed.
Jane - more info welcomed
Arthur - more info welcomed
Andrew married Elizabeth Duncan 31 March 1911 Glasgow - more info welcomed.
Jessie - may have moved to England - more info welcomed.
on 2013-07-24 15:34:09
soperman has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jul 2013.