Looking for DODSON of Kentucky
Hi! My name is Toni Dillon. I've been working on my family tree for about 5 years. My mothers maiden name was Sandra Kay Dodson. She married my father George Robert Saxberg.I have been able to find my ancestors names on my mother's father's side back 12 generations.My grandfather was Russell Dodson then it goes Thomas G.,Jesse, Raleigh C..Thomas, George Jr., George Sr., Thomas, Charles, Jesse and his father John Dods.I'm hoping to find more information on this branch of my family tree as well as my mom's mother's ancestors (DELAPPE), my dad's mother's (LAHTI) and my dad's father's (SAXBERG)
on 2012-02-12 21:24:47
TRDillon has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2012.