Looking for family in or around Walker County and Marion County, Alabama.....
The particular surnames I am looking for are as follows: Bonner/Kilgore/Lay, and Wright/Willett/Perrin. Thrown in that mix are also Hyche and Huffstutler.
I have been doing this for little over 8 years and am just now starting to make connections. Before, I didn't really understand how to go about finding the information. Now days, anything I run across, rather it be online or family items, I soak it all up like a sponge. I do regret having not talked to family member that have since passed away. I encourage everyone to talk to your older kin folk, as they are the best resource you will ever find. I mean come on, what better way to gain knowledge, other than from the people who actually lived and experienced it. Ask as many questions as you can for as long as you can! Plus they will enjoy reliving the glory days and love getting to spend time with you also!
Ok onto the buisness at hand....lol
on 2013-01-07 22:25:32
HBonner has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jan 2013.
I'm looking for family connections in the Walker County, Alabama area. Family of Jerry Kane Lynch 1856 (wash.d.c.)- 1935 (carbon hill, alabama) and Arminda Herron Lynch 1873-1961 (eldridge, alabama). Jerry Kane Lynch was an inventor and traveling salesman. Arminda was a horticulturist. Jerry also wrote papers about his inventions and political beliefs. Looking for any photos or information on them and family members. Thanks