Looking for family members related to Garnet Ramsay born 1930
I am married to one of Garnet's grandsons and I am looking to try to complete some of his family tree. I have started his grandmothers side....and his maternal side...but am trying to start this side. And help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance
on 2011-12-29 11:38:04
bramsay has been a Family Tree Circles member since Dec 2011.
May I make a suggestion that you give us some more information so that we can assist you. It would help if you could give us some names, dates, places, etc. of deceased relatives. You would be surprised on the number of people with the same names, etc. Keep in mind to not include private information about the living.
Best wishes in your research, and "Happy New Year".
Garnet was born in 1930. He was married and had 3 children (all are living). His fathr was James Ramsay born in 1908, died in 1969. James is the son of William and Effie Ramsay.