Looking for family of Robert B. WILLIAMS of Ohio
I am looking for the family line of a Robert B. WILLIAMS. Here's the info I have which is not much:
Born Robert B. WILLIAMS around 1885 in or around Buchtel, Ohio.
He married Agnes B. KENNEDY on May 19, 1908 in Portsmouth, NH.
They had a son, Ernest Adrian WILLIAMS born August 15, 1909 in Portsmouth, NH.
Any information you can give me about his family line would be helpful. Thank You.
on 2011-02-18 22:57:54
Jaycee123 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2011.
Thank you!
Is this your family also? i.e. Might we be related?
Thank you again. I checked tribalpages but nothing matched. May I ask where you found the information about Robert B. Williams' family? I can't find a thing.