looking for famliy
My father was born in Holly Colorado, his Fathers name is Claude Ray (Ramon) casteel, Born in 1909 in Colorado. My Fathers Mother is Esther josephine Saunders (adopted last name) she was born 2/20/1911 on the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota, she was Raised in Nebraska. I have no real info on my grandmothers real last name. My Fathers siblings are Barbra Jean, Esther Raylene, Helen Marie, Roy Lee, and Ruth Darlene. My Fathers Aunts and Uncles are Milo,Hattie,Mable,Chas,Minnie,Harley.
My Mothers parents are: Vane anderson and Charlotte G Mc Mullen.
So if any one has info. Regarding any of these ppl please inform me.
on 2011-06-08 04:36:26
tonk has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jun 2011. is researching the following names: CASTEELANDERSON, CASTEEL, ANDERSON.