Looking for Foreman relatives
My line starts with John Foreman. Would like to get to know everybody that is from John Foreman family.
I have quite a lot family members found, but there are more. This Foreman tree has a lot of limbs going in all kinds of direction.
You have to give more info than just a name, at least give the birth and death dates and who the person was married to, or nobody's going to reply with any credable info.
My line starts with John Foreman.My great-grandpa is Edward (Ned) Foreman, 7/15/1840-7/8/1903 or 1906. He was married to Salina Brown 4/17/1844-4/18/1900. My grandfather is Elmer (7th son) 1871or1876-1909or1905. He was married to Vinnie Morton. His father is Charles Foreman 1st wife was Anne Seabolt 1817-1886 and 2nd wife was Thursa Calvin. Charles father is Thomas. Wife Susannah Fields Brewer. Her parents were Richard Fields,Sr& Susannah Endy Stuart. Thomas's father is John Anthony, wife was Susie Gourd (Paint Clan). His father is John Foreman. Thomas's sister Nannie was married to Jake Stuant (Indian named him Bushyhead.)Edward second wife was Margaret, she was my great-grandma. They both are buried in Foreman cemetery in Westville OK. I would really love to hear from some of the relative's.
I hope this helps. There has been some sayings that we are kin to Will Rodgers, Jr and Belle Starr. I haven't found any info yet.