Looking for Fuller ancestry
my grandfather is Gerald Hershall Fuller. His father is Albert Fuller and mother is Maude Fuller. Has 2 sisters Evelyn & Connie and 1 brother Richard D. Fuller from Illinois. There might be more..not sure. Looking for any information...
william bourke married a margaret fuller in around 1848. they had a son james who married a elizabeth sherwood in carcoar in new south wales australia. I am looking for any decendants.
I do not know whether these folks match anyone in your family, but here is the list that I have from mine: Thomas Fuller, Sarah (Price) Fuller, Martha Fuller, Samuel Fuller, Josephine Fuller, Booker Fuller, Lucinda Fuller, Starling Fuller,
Some of my relatives were from Southern Illinois. Some were from Paradise, Coles Co., Illinois. Married into families in Sullivan, Illinois. Beyond this list of names, an unknown Fuller from Tennessee and Indiana. Starling Fuller was born in Indiana and moved to Illinois. He is shown in the 1870 and 1880 census. Thomas Fuller, born in 1863 was Starling Fuller's son. He was born in Illinois.
I hope this helps and if you have any connections or information that I could use, please let me know.