Looking for George Charles Davis
Where did he come from? before 1904
Where did he go to? after 1920
What was his real name:?
George Charles Davis is the kings first names: so we guess the first two name MAY be an alias
WHAT do we know about him:?
He was White, most likley English , Australian, New Zealander or Welsh.
He was good carpenter and a bridge builder. He worked for the New Zealand Railways in Napier, and lived in the "Railway Station Yards Napier" most likley in a Mobile Railway Carriage that could be connected to a train and moved to the next work site; siding on a new bridge being built.
He was born about 1870 give or take ten years.
Does any one have history of "Railway workers in New Zealand" during the 1900 thru to 1930.
In particular Families that lived in these mobile communities?
cheers Ross Davis
on 2012-09-30 18:04:04
Looking for George Charles Davis b 1870 Essex England maybe, was in New Zealand from 1903 to about 1923 give or take 10 years He was a carpenter and worked for the NZ rail bridge building around Feilding; I am a 4th generation New Zealander now living in Australia, Tweed Heads, for the last 30+ years