looking for info on ANNIE MARGARET CHEYNE - Woodville, New Zealand
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There are 2 Cheynes buried in the Old Gorge Cemetery in Woodville
Ann Margaret Cheyne is the only one I have a very little info on
- she was born about 1878 and died 11th May 1947 aged 70.
She is buried in PLOT 3, BLOCK 20
The other is Christine D. Cheyne - born about 1847, died 23rd September 1934 aged 87, buried in PLOT 4, BLOCK 18
Any information on these 2 women (possibly mother and daughter) would be greatly appreciated - especially who were the men in their lives and what they were doing in Woodville
by ngairedith Profile | Research |
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on 2009-10-17 04:59:10
on 2009-10-17 04:59:10
ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.