Looking for information on Geo W Pemberton
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Geo W Pemberton, born @ 1841 TN, father Louis Pemberton, born Virginia @ 1821, served in Civil War,death 1865. Geo W married Susan A. Rochester, born @ Feb 1845 in Indiana. She died in Clarkston, WA 28 Jul 1921. These were parents of my greatgrandmother Catherine "Katie" Pemberton who married Herman Bishop in 1888 in Mason County, Illinois. They had 8 children, and Herman and Katie remained in Clarkston, WA until their deaths. Geo W's wife Susan died at family home in Clarkston, WA 28 Jul 1921.
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on 2011-12-30 15:41:43
Lilo has been a Family Tree Circles member since Dec 2011.