Looking for information on WILLIAM GLEESON last known in Dublin 1926
My father was JOHN JOSEPH GLEESON who was born on 9th August 1922 in Dublin, Ireland. His mother was ELLEN GLEESON (nee KELLY) and his father was WILLIAM GLEESON. They were married in 1919 in Dublin but William was born in Gorteenadiha (Kilmore, Tipperary). His father was JOHN GLEESON and his mother was ANNE GLEESON (nee HORAN). They were married in 1891/92 and had four other children Norah, Sarah, Mary and another child who died.
My father's mother Ellen died in 1926 and her youngest son Jim was taken in by the Kelly family. Her eldest son Thomas (Gussie) was looked after by an older uncle and died at 16. Her middle child (my father) was 'adopted' by an older couple called Mr and Mrs REILLY. They lived in Tramway Terraces in Dublin.
I do not know what happened to WILLIAM. My father was told that he died a year after his wife Ellen, but I cannot find his death certificate. Please can anyone help me find out what happened to WILLIAM?
I would also like to go further back and find out the names of John GLEESON's mother and father and information on the HORAN's.
Thank you in anticipation.