Looking for J.C.Mounce and A.E. Bott - South Australia<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Looking for J.C.Mounce and A.E. Bott - South Australia

Journal by felicity16

I have some information on their 10 children 1)Charles 2)John Thomas -( particularly their 3rd child ) Susannah Mounce - as she is my husbands great grandmother - 4)Charles Alvin - 5)Lucy Caroline(?)- 6)Ann Rebecca - 7)George - 8) "Willie" William Joesph - 9)Ethel Emily - 10)Arthur Edward . Wanting to share all info and hopefully gain more !

Susannah Mounce - Born feb 2-1878 Died march 15-1968 - apparently had a miscarriage 1898? - then had a son Edgar born 19 March 1899 - Edgar Mounce (said to be an illegitimate son-father surname is now said to be Warr ?) - in 1899 Susannah married Jack (John) Talbot on Dec.22 -1919 at Naracoorte in the Methodist Manse - they had no children.

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by felicity16 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2012-06-19 10:04:34

felicity16 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jun 2012.

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by dgmo5046 on 2012-06-20 07:09:10

Thanks for your message. John Charles Mounce sounded like an interesting character. His name appears in the SA Ship deserters register. He jumped ship in 1866. I am not exactly sure where but would assume it was in the South East of SA. I think he only had the 9 kids with Charles actually him. I can't be exactly sure of this because not all kids appear in the birth records. I couldn't find George, but certainly found him in the WW1 records. John Charles seems to have been known as Charlie which appears on his headstone in Payneham, SA. I assume that your husbands grandfather was Leslie Edgar Mounce. I think he was brought up as John's 10th child. John's name appears as his father on the WW1 records, and also Leslie Edgar appears on John's obituary. I believe Leslie Edgar's father was Joseph Thomas Warr, the son of the Millicent butcher. Joseph Thomas Warr ended up marrying in WA, but then ended up back in Millicent after WW1, and actually signed up in Keswick, SA as an unmarried man. Google his name for a photo on Mapping our Anzacs.

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