Looking for Johannes Martin birth place in Hessen, Germany, Birth 1730's.Death 1794 Fayette County, Pennsylvania.
We first found him Johannes Martin, in a land warrant, for Fayette County, PA.Then his wife Anna Margeret,and four daughters and one son Johannes Martin Jun.B.1764 D.1810 Fayette County, PA.Junior married Appolonia( Abigail) Bucher, and to this they parented 14 children, of which four died in their infancy at different times.The children of John and and Abigail,were found in the church register of the Gute Hoffung Kirche,, in Fayette County, PA.
Name Birth Baptism
1 Johannes George 3 January 1788 5 October 1788
2 George Friederich 22 December 1790 2 January 1791
3 Catharina Maria 2 October 1792 9 November 1792
4 Johannes Daniel 19 October 1794 20 November 1794
5 Joseph 4 March 1797 23 April 1797
6 Jacob 11 August 1798 30 September 1798
7 Henrich 25 February 1800 1 June 1800
8 Maria 6 February 1802 9 May 1802
9 Manuel 1 September 1804 9 October 1804
10 Andreas (Andrew) 3 May 1806 22 June 1806