Looking for John Macdonnell or John McDonald
Looking for John MacDonnell(McDonald ) who married Mary Flanigan John born 1848-1850 in County Cavan came to New Zealand Otago about 1868 and died 1884 in Otago
on 2008-08-17 03:26:46
ngaireainsworth has been a Family Tree Circles member since Aug 2008. is researching the following names: PARROTT, MACDONNELL, MCDONALD.
Hi there - I know you visited this site a while ago but I have just been to John McDonald's grave site last week - he is my great grand father on my father's side. Did not have a lot of information on this as my father is now deceased but knew that great grandfather was buried in Central Otago. I have a photo of his grave site as well.
Kind regards
Pauline Fromont
I wonder if are speaking of the same John McDonald? Is the grave you visited have wife as Mary? I would be very interested if we are speaking of the same people.
kind regards Ngaire
Yes she was Mary McDonald nee Flanagan (died 18th April 1881 aged 35 years .Died in child birth and I have a copy of her death certificate).
He died 17th December 1884 (killed by a fall of earth).All very tragic.
Well it seems that we would be related. Who was your father and also your grandfather? Perhaps we are cousins!!
My grandfather was Michael Joseph MacDonald (herein lies the problem, we were bought up as Macs but now seem to be Mcs!) Born 1877 died 1935 married to Annie Christina Dougherty. Brothers that I know of - Patrick died age 2 years. James died at 40 years. So another brother must have been your grandfather. They lived in Central Otago, NZ which is where I have just been. I live in the North Island, NZ.
My father was Robert Patrick MacDonald born 1922 died 2007.(He had 3 sisters)
If you want more info, I have birth and death certificates. I started on this journey to find out if I was a Mc or a Mac. If you prefer, you can email me at : fromo@xtra.co.nz. I am looking for great grandfather's date of birth and birth place.
kind regards
Pauline Fromont (nee Mac(Mc)Donald