looking for john mclaren low/lowe. google groups has an old post 1997 from an art d lowe.
The email address is outdated.
re John McLaren Low.
1st generation- David Low and Helen Bisset
2nd generation - Peter Low and Margaret McLaren
3rd generation - John McLaren Low.(my great grandmother Margaret McLaren Low was his sister)
Art D Lowe is descended from John McLaren Low. (note surname now Lowe)
Any help in following the John McLaren Low line would be welcome.
Marilyn Owen
Ps. At the time of the post, Art Lowe was living in South Lyon, Michigan, USA. I do not have access to American records. I assume that John McLaren Low migrated to the USA. He is on the 1871 Scotland census.
on 2012-08-13 20:53:31
wingersmum , from Australia, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Apr 2012.