Looking for Lambertson, Timmons, Bork & Related Families
I have been researching since abt 1997, I have over 200 pictures of our ancesters, which I send CD's to anyone that shares a picture with me, I am willing to share my information with anyone willing to share with me. I just recently became a Gr Grandmother and am delighted.
My Brick Walls seem to be on my mothers family: BORK. they came from Germany in 1882, my grandfathers name was: Harry David BORK and that is about all I know of him, my mothers families BUERKEY, also came from Germany in 1878, my mother was already having dementia by the time I began researching so she was no help.
We all need to talk to our children and others to start reserching befor our families are all gone.
Sally/Lamabertson/Ungeheier, (salee3@hotmail.com)
on 2009-05-22 17:58:37
salee3 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Oct 2007. is researching the following names: BORK, BUERKEYBURKAYBURKEY, LAMBERTSON and 1 other(s).