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Looking for Lucinda Mack Bluntson Creek / Cherokee Indian connection or family members

Query by Pikes95

My Great Grand Mother was a full blood I was told, from the Mack Families of Georgia, S & N Carolina or Tennessee.
Any Information will appreciate. Her husband was Albert Bluntson, I believe she received an Allotment and pension because she was a window.

Surnames: Blountson Blunson Bluntson Mallett Paris Pikes
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by Pikes95 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2014-08-12 23:58:04

Pikes95 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Aug 2014.

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by wizard28 on 2014-08-16 07:23:41

This looks like the death of one of Lucinda Mack and Albert Bluntson's children. birth place of both parents :

Father Name: Albert Bluntson (son)
Father Birth Place: Mississippi
Mother Name: Lucinda Mack
Mother Birth Place: Mississippi

Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947
Name: Albert Bluntson
Birth Date: 27 Mar 1897
Birth Place: Adams, Mississippi
Death Date: 18 Nov 1937
Death Place: Proviso Twp, Cook, Illinois
Burial Date: 20 Nov 1937
Burial Place: Jackson, Miss.
Cemetery Name: Mt. Olive
Death Age: 40
Occupation: Laborer
Race: Black
Marital Status: M
Gender: Male
Residence: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Father Name: Albert Bluntson
Father Birth Place: Mississippi
Mother Name: Lucinda Mack
Mother Birth Place: Mississippi
Spouse Name: Annie Bluntson
Comments: 5 m 24 d in this city
FHL Film Number: 1787128

by wizard28 on 2014-08-16 07:52:59

This looks like your family:

1910 United States Federal Census
Name: Olbert Blunson [ could be either spelling Albert Blunson T is missing from Blunston]
Age in 1910: 58
Birth Year: abt 1852
Birthplace: Mississippi
Home in 1910: Beat 4, Hinds, Mississippi
Race: Black
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Lucinda Blunson
Father's Birthplace: Tennessee
Mother's Birthplace: Mississippi

Olbert Blunson 58
Lucinda Blunson 42 Both parents and Lucinda born Mississippi
Eutelius Blunson 13 *
Bernice Blunson 11 *
William Blunson 8 *
Katherine Blunson 3 *
Clarence Cartes 12 or Carters, b Mississippi
Millie Blunson 8 Adopted Child, b Mississippi

* all Birthplace: Mississippi

All people in census listed Race: Black

by Pikes95 on 2014-08-16 20:03:10

Yes I know about them and they are my ancestors, yes it is true they are listed in the census as Black other times as Mulatto(meaning mixed) but were Blacks Indians, Creek/ Cherokee. Many Indians history records were lost or destroyed, especially those whom were related to Black Indians. Many Black Indians were indigenous to America before Columbus, not all were Africans.

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